Fanny Packs are Cool

On most climbs I talk about the beauty of the mountains and the culture I experience along the way. Some of my best memories on the mountains were of early morning trips exploring the cities where the climbs start. Now as I travel to the highest point in North America, Denali. I start in the exploration of my home continent and the culture, observing the people. I met my teammate, Roi from Israel, whom I haven't seen in years, this will be our third expedition together and we stayed up late catching up. I got up at 4am and came down to the lobby in Anchorage to get coffee and the lobby is full of old people like me. It's like a geico commercial where people are talking to their kids at home with their speaker on. They all have giant IPad taking pictures of every animal mount in the building and FaceTiming their grandkids with the animals, again with the speaker on as they shout into the device like they are in the next room. Not making fun of them, just observations. These are my people. Then at the blink of an eye the lobby empties as the herd migrates like wilder-beast chased by a cheetah to the buffet that has just opened.

I have to I leave the senior citizens home and go to the daycare in 24 hours. Where I am around of a bunch of snot nose children that unlike the old people notice nothing around them. They will probably be making fun of me, and will add their behavior to this post. Will keep you updated. Yes I carry my old hip bone in my backpack. I couldn’t help myself and had to take pictures of the animals.

I hope the climb starts soon and will have something interesting to talk about.

Lessons to grandkids:

Be kind to old people especially your grandpa. Fanny packs are cool.




The Approach