Wrestling MS.
We put people with MS on bike - and on the road to a better life.
Multiple Sclerosis is near and dear to Gary’s heart.
As a four-time National Qualifier and two-time All-American at then Central Missouri State, Les Gatrel understands the determination and drive it takes to be successful on the wrestling mat. Now at the age of 57 he faced the toughest opponent of his life. In 2012, doctors diagnosed Gatrel with multiple sclerosis. The disabling disease of the central nervous system sapped the strength of the former 190-lb All-American and made even the most basic exercise difficult. He couldn't even ride a bike, but Gatrel's competitive instincts took over. He created the Les Wrestles MS 190 Challenge. After his diagnosis, he found riding a bicycle helped his quality of life.
“Basically, bicycling has saved my life,” he said. The MS Bike Challenge is part of a five-month campaign to inspire participants to commit to a personal and physical challenge associated with the number 190, his college wrestling weight. The idea arose after Gatrel's wrestling teammate, Gary Ervin, invited him to stand up against the disease with 190 miles of bike riding. From being unable to ride a bike before the challenge, Gatrel persevered and has now logged thousands of miles. “Each year that I keep riding, my balance is better and better and better.” Gatrel says he rides about 4,000 miles a year. See below for more details on how you can help support!

Wrestling MS
Wrestling MS helps individuals diagnosed with MS to fight the challenges of disease. People with heart and commitment to living as fully as they can. They don’t need to be experienced cyclists, or in good shape. They just need a good pair of athletic shoes, the will to wrestle MS and the heart of a champion. If they have that – we provide everything else.
Bike MS
Bike MS is the largest fundraising cycling series in the world. Each year, nearly 75,000 cyclists and more than 6,000 teams ride together to change the world for people with MS. Each ride in the series has a unique local flavor while maintaining a supportive and extraordinary experience. Whether you’re a casual, novice or experienced cyclist, you’ll feel right at home at Bike MS.