Single Carry to Camp 2

This strong team was able to single carry to Camp 2 yesterday at 11,200′ (3413m). Typically in an expedition style of climbing, teams will choose gear and supplies that they won’t need for a few days and they will climb up halfway between the camp they are in and the camp they will be in next, dig a hole in the glacier, and toss all those supplies into it before burying it well. Then they descend back to camp. This allows teams to carry lighter loads up the mountain as well as take extra time to acclimatize to the altitude by climbing high and sleeping low. Our team will probably employ this as they continue up the mountain. To single carry means to not split up your loads, but carry all your gear and supplies in one push up to the next camp, which is what this team was able to do! Well done guys. Arriving at Camp 2 the team finds themselves feeling a little more like they are on the mountain, rather than moving up the wide expanse of the glacier below this point. Camp 2 is nestled between several steeper slopes, some of which prominently display their large seracs (a large column of ice usually indicative of an ice fall or a hanging glacier) as they peel off of some steeper glacial sections and crack over convexities in the terrain.


Rest Day at Camp 2


Find A Way To Win